Thursday, January 12, 2012

I always have A LOT to say. I am the world's worst to speak without thinking first!! Unfortunately, I passed that on to my son, Adam. He is SO much like me it isn't even funny!! Things that he does and gets in trouble for, I can totally see his point of view where others cannot. I guess it is a good thing that I can understand him but it is all Mom's fault. She cursed me!! "I can't wait until you have one of your own and it acts JUST LIKE YOU!" Well, she got her wish! Now Freddie and I say the same thing to Adam, only worse. "We can't wait until you have triplet boys that act just like you!!!!" I think Freddie is a little mad 'cause Mom never thought about how my future husband would have to deal with it too! I don't think Freddie was so much of an angel when he was younger. I've heard tales of how he used to lay down on the floor, screaming and kicking, to get what he wanted! I sure hope his mother didn't say the things mine did! Evan definantly has a mind of his own. He has one of the worst tempers I believe I have ever seen. Adam doesn't have a temper (THANK GOD!) When Adam gets in trouble, he forgets about it within five minutes. I used to stay mad for days. I am so thankful that God allowed me to be a mother. No one said it would be easy, and it's not, but it is so rewarding. It is my job to make sure that these two guys grow into Godly men and contributing members of society. Children of today are the leaders of tomorrow's society.

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